If you are looking for a place where to develop your business, Galati Free Trade Zone offers you a few reasons to take in consideration in choosing to establish here in the Danube crossed town.
Here they are:
- Access to naval transport at Danube river – which is both maritime and river sized ships navigable. You can thus benefit of the main transport “highway”of Europe and by Rhin – Main – Danube Canal North Sea is linked with Black Sea.
- We are the only free zone in Romania that is passed by large gauge railway ( typical to ex-soviet countries) and normal gauge railway – european standard. In this way, you can benefit of railway transport up till your concession / investment place.
- Galati Free Zone has direct access to National Road DN2B – a modernized road that assures the link with Moldova Republic and Ukraine. By Galati city belt you can have access to the entire Romanian road transport network.
- Galati Free Zone offers compact land in sufficient surface suitable for any type of industrial and commercial project. Here you can find the space your business needs to develop in a positive way.
- In Galati Free Zone you can take in concession free land for upt to 49 years period with prolonging possibility for another 25 years. On all concession duration, price remains unchanged for your business to have stability and to grow steadily.
- Customs taxes and VAT are excepted from payment for goods introduced in Galati Free Zone for manufacturing, deposit or commerce between free zone’s residents. Goods transit between free zones is, as well, exempted from taxes.
or learn more details about Galati Free Trade Zone incentives and advantages.