Galati Free Trade – a strong tradition …
Ever since the medieval period, Galati city-harbor developed, here, in the eastern corner of Europe an international commercial tradition.
Placed at the crossing of some ancient European commercial routes, Galati was since historical times, alternately the most famous fish and timber market, the place to negotiate prices for meat, cheese, honey, wine, wax, and other products from the three Romanian medieval countries Moldavia, Muntenia and Transylvania placed under Turkish rule.
Galati was in the XVIII th century an important wares deposit for the Turkish Empire and a shipyard where big commercial and warships were created for the empire’s fleet.
After the Turkish monopoly over the Romanian trade was lifted (1829), there was the moment when the real European ascension of Galati – as harbor city – began.
Galati was the permanent headquarters of the European Danube Commission between 1856 and 1948, a title that underlined the town’s first rank importance among urban and commercial centers of the entire world. It is to mention here that in the period between the two World Wars, 20 world states were represented by consulates or vice-consulates seated in the Danube’s city harbor
Free commerce tradition of Galati city harbor begins in 1837, when the city took up the statute of Porto-Franco and has an ever-growing commercial importance in the regional economy.
… For a profitable future
In present, Galati is the principal river-maritime harbor on the Romanian territory, the most important industrial center in the eastern part of Romania, and the owner of a Free Zone
Free commerce tradition of the city harbor continues in our days through GALATI FREE ZONE.