How can you develop a free zone business in Galati Free Trade Zone ?
Galati Free Zone offers some ways of collaboration to potential investors:
– concession of land and buildings;
– renting of land and buildings;
– use of free zone regime.
Concession inside Galati Free Zone is made on public auction basis.
Through the concession contract, a part – the consignor – transfers to the other part – the consignee – for profitable administration, for a duration of maximum 49 years, in exchange of a due, goods, activities or services situated under Galati Free Zone’s administration.
The minimum concession period is 10 years and the maximum is 49 years, with a possibility of extension;
The land renting activity in the free zone is accomplished by public auction.
Through the renting contract, a part -the proprietor – assigns, and the other part – the tenant – takes over in rent a land or other goods, for a duration of maximum 5 years, in exchange of a renting price.
The renting conditions:
The minimum renting period is 1 month and the maximum is 5 years , with a possibility of extension;
Taking in consideration the facilities offered by Galati Free Zone, you have the possibility just to use the free zone regime, transiting or commercializing your wares inside free zone’s perimeter. Transited wares must stay less than 24 hours inside free zone’s perimeter, otherwise, in case you override this term, you can pay the rent for the space effectively occupied by wares.
The only your obligation towards Galati Free Zone in case of wares transit is to pay the work licenses and access permits.
For further details on wares transit procedure, please contact us.
Any economic activity inside Galati Free Trade Zone is made on basis of a work license and access permits