Public announcements
The Galati Free Trade Zone Administration, organizes public auction with selection in for the concession of 1381,08 square meters for activities to be developed under free zone system.
The auction will be held on the 13th of JULY 2016, at 10:00 a.m., at the head office of Galati Free Trade Zone Administration.
The applicants will send, until 5th of JULY 2016, a participation request, containing the following information:
- accurate name and address of the company;
- description of main activity object;
- the goal of granting;
- the requested surface;
- the requested period of granting.
Starting with the 7 th of JULY 2016, the documentation for participation to the auction may be bought by the interested persons from the head office of Galati Free Trade Zone Administration.
The completed technical offer and the payment’s proof for the participation tax and the participation guarantee will be laid down at the head office of the Free Zone Administration between the 7 – 11st of JULY 2016, 16:00.
Financial offer – in sealed envelope, will be presented on 13th of July 2016 at 10.00 AM at the head office of Galati Free Trade Zone Administration.
Further details can be obtained daily from 8:00 a.m. to 16:00 p.m. at the Administration head office or at phone no. 0040-236-411222, fax no. 0040-236-414929.
Headoffice: Str. Al. I. Cuza, bloc Cristal, Galati, Romania.”